Cutting Words
Helena's Dream
Helena dreamed of becoming a world famous performer, as well as marrying the heroic man of her dreams. So far, Her being the only performer at The Popping Corn, and becoming a noteworthy name in Galam, check. George, a renowned sword and shield champion, and an absolutely gorgeous man who is courting her, check. It seems that Helena has stacked a stacked hand for her dreams to come true… until reality plays its hand that is.
The story being Cutting Words
Cutting Words started out as a home-brew campaign created by a friend of mine that was adapted from The Dungeons and Dragons pen and paper game. My Character was Helena Windcharmer, who I fell in love playing as while my other three friends and I journey through The Dungeon Master's adventure. Even when the adventure ended prematurely (like a lot of pen and paper games do), I couldn’t stop thinking about Helena’s and her companions adventures. I just felt compelled to write the campaign through her eyes as she was my avatar to that world. I may even want to see her journey to its conclusion either as a collaborative effort or finishing it on my own. My hope with this web series is to convey those feelings that I experience with Helena and the world on paper as best I can so that other can enjoyed what I enjoyed about.
For Helena, tonight isn't just another performance at The Popping Corn, a special guest is coming, George. He's a renown sword and shield champion, and Helena's new flame. Intent to impress, she gives a performance to remember and that's where things begin to go wrong.